Professional Sizing made Simple


Do instead of listening!

With the APPLIED SAFETY PREMIUM SEMINARS, the CSE Academy offers a wide range of practical training courses on all relevant topics in process and plant safety. In our training rooms in Pfinztal near Karlsruhe, beginners and experts can experience application-related seminars in small groups and with a variety of practical exercises.

Expand your knowledge in a targeted manner on individual specialist topics or go through the complete program to become a CSE Professional Safety Engineer with the recognized certificate from the CSE Institute.

The trainings at the CSE Academy take place regularly and can also be carried out as in-house seminars at your company.


The 16 brain regions of a CSE Professional Safety Engineer

In order to take on responsibility for process and plant safety, you need in-depth training, a lot of experience and a pronounced safety mindset. In the CSE Academy we have therefore integrated our 16 seminar modules into the most comprehensive and application-oriented advanced training program for experts in safety technology: certification as a CSE Professional Safety Engineer.

The CSE Professional Safety Engineer proves his in-depth knowledge over a period of up to three years in all specialist areas and is awarded the internationally recognized certificate of the CSE Institute.